Marquita & Kameron Grattan

I am 28 years old and God delivered me to Imani when i was 18 years old.
My son Kameron is 7 years old and has been raised in Imani. What we love about Imani
is that Imani is always home. Not only are we always loved and welcome without judgement,
our family members who are not members of the church are always welcome as well.
My mother just said after last week's benefits concert how she enjoyed it so much and
that she always feels welcome and like family at Imani.
There is no other place like Imani, from our music, to the ministry.
I always feel the presence of the Lord. Most importantly Imani cares about its
members... because Imani is more than a church, it's a family !
Leoma Barnes & Theresa Drummond

What I like about Imani Praise Fellowship is our pianist and Minister of Music, Leoma Barnes.
We've recently traveled together to a music worshop in Los Angeles.
The guest singer was Johnathan Nelson, Imani Praise Fellowship is a small church (right now)
with a big music ministry
Head Elder Frank Benjamin
What I like about Imani is the honesty of the members in showing their love and concern.
What I like most is the youth, they have awesome talent, they have awesome potential
and they're wise enough to want to walk with Christ
John Faulkner
Imani is very energetic and wonderful church that shows great love and care
Young Master Seth, Isaiah & Joshua
Seth, what I like about Imani is that it's like a family
Isaiah, what I like about Imani is the music and how everyone connects like a family
Joshua, what I like about Imani is the fellowship
Thalia Drummond & Sophia Mupfawa
We like the lasting friendships, the youth programs and spirit filled music.
What I like about Imani are the many special and upcoming events and programs.
Adonis Fulton
What i like about Imani is the fellowship
Elder Sandra Ximines
What i like about Imani is that it's home away from home.
It's a church that is truly like a family.
There's a unique beauty to each member and a wealth of talent at Imani.
Head Deacon: Dwayne Fulton
I like the hospitality and the members treat everybody like people
Associate Pastor Jerome Steel
What I like about Imani is that it has a little taste of the Caribbean
Brittney Ximines
I like the potlucks at Imani (just keeping it real)
The Food is always good.